How to install F.Lux on iPhone & iPad running iOS 9.0+ ...



【iOS APP】Flux Vortex 紋理創作軟體


在App Store 上的「FLUX:AI 圖像產生器」

供應商: 体龙付 ; 大小: 25.3 MB ; 類別: 圖像與設計 ; 相容性. iPhone: 需要iOS 16.0 或以上版本。 Mac: 需要macOS 13.0(或以上版本)以及配備Apple M1(或 ...

在App Store 上的「FLUX

評分 3.0 (12) · 免費 · iOS FLUX TECHNOLOGY CORP. 大小: 12.8 MB. 類別: 工具程式. 相容性. iPhone: 需要iOS 8.0 或以上版本。 iPad: 需要iPadOS 8.0 或以上版本。 iPod touch: 需要iOS 8.0 或以上 ...

jefferyleof.lux: flux for iOS

This app changes the color of all running apps on your phone, even when f.lux is not directly open. Such functionality is not allowed in the App Store ...


Is your computer keeping you up late? f.lux is a free download that warms up your computer display at night, to match your indoor lighting. Welcome to f.lux · macOS · F.lux your lights · Linux


Compatible with devices running iOS5/6/7/8. f.lux warms up your screen to match your lighting at night. If you see the f.lux app crash when launched, ...

[Cydia for iOS]保護眼睛調整iPhone、iPad色溫工具「f.lux」(中文化)

Step 1. ▽ Cydia 搜尋「F.」,會找到「f.lux」,會找到工具機圖案,請點選這個將它安裝起來,如果找不到插件請參考這篇。(作者:F.lux Software LLC,軟體源:BigBoss)

Flux Architecture Pattern for iOS App Development

Flux is an architectural pattern that organizes apps into four primary components: actions, dispatchers, stores, and views. Actions represent ...

f.lux-like app for iPhone?

I used to have an Android phone where I installed f.lux, which was great for reading at night. I know that the iPhone has night mode but it's not nearly as ...




使用這款軟體能創造出不斷改變分形的圖案。透過觸摸螢幕製造出令人驚嘆的漣漪效果紋理。你可不斷嘗試變化,直到創造出你滿意的紋理效果,儲存後運用於你的作品之中。,供應商:体龙付;大小:25.3MB;類別:圖像與設計;相容性.iPhone:需要iOS16.0或以上版本。Mac:需要macOS13.0(或以上版本)以及配備AppleM1(或 ...,評分3.0(12)·免費·iOSFLUXTECHNOLOGYCORP.大小:12.8MB.類別:工具程式.相容性.iPhone:需要iOS8.0或以上版本。iPad:...